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Patriot fans are bereft following the team’s Wildcard loss and elimination.  Surely much of the rest of the country is delighted. Pro or con, it must be admitted that this year’s team was of the mediocre variety. Even its future Hall Of Fame quarterback turned in a sub-par performance owing in large part to the lack of Rob Gronkowski and other good receivers beside Julian Edleman  Now a free agent, the speculation grows as to Brady’s future. My sense is he should retire now before he risks permanent injury. He has nothing else to prove and should enjoy life and the multi offers outside the game of football which, doubtless will come his way.

A new year and yet another run for office by former U.S. Senator (only because of his father, Senator John Chafee, passing), former Warwick Mayor and R.I. Governor. He’s been a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent and now a Libertarian as he once again seeks the office of the presidency! What’s that old expression about hell and a snowball? I’d suggest he find a hobby but it seems he already has one.

The Golden Globe Awards are the least offensive of all that show type. Sunday night’s latest featured an oft humorous and outspoken Ricky Gervais as emcee, celeb introducers and winners who voiced limited remarks. The wonderful Tom Hanks was given the Cecile B. DeMille award as Ellen DeGeneres received the female equivalent, the Carol Burnett award. Hanks, is just one of a pair of actors to ever have won Oscars two years in a row. He was nominated this year as “Globe” best actor for his role as Mister Rogers in ‘It’s A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”.

The stupid quote of the week award goes to comedian George Lopez after he posted an Instagram comment about assassinating Donald Trump. When Iran issued an $80 million bounty on Trump after the killing of General Qassem Soleimani during last week’s U.S. drone strike, Lopez said “We’ll do it for half that amount”. The ever doubtful Kathy Griffin commented that she thought the Lopez comment was hilarious. She already has a reserved seat on that “One Way Trip to Nowhere Train”. Lopez should be booked nearby.

Some are asking why now for the Trump killing of Soleimani. A ploy for reelection or an attempt to remove focus from the impeachment?  Perhaps just another example of attempting to stand out by the use of radical behavior and distorted decisions.

Mentioning “distorted” reminds me of a recent Trump lie: "The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration”. Add that to his stating that “Obama gave Iran billions of dollars”, previously proved untrue.  I just don’t get his fetish with the former President ever since those days when he claimed Barack wasn’t a U.S. Citizen.

Looks as though Meghan McCain, daughter of Senator John McCain, isn’t high on the popularity lists of her fellow “The View” panelists. Deemed “rude” to guests, Whoopi Goldberg and the other regulars, calls are being made for McCain’s removal. Don’t look for that to happen as long as her acid attitude is attracting bigger audience numbers.   

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