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We’ve heard how the lack of person to person communication has grown over recent years. A prime example of same greeted us recently at a restaurant. Nearby sat a pair of 20 somethings. It was difficult not to notice that both were wedded not to each other but to their cell phones. Our glances recorded no conversation between the two, the only spoken words were relegated to ordering their food. If they could have texted that they probably would have. Sorry state of affairs.

Pardons are really as popular with the Oval Officer as cheeseburgers. As you may have heard he just doled out eleven of them including former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojerich who attempted to sell a U.S. Senate seat previously held by Barack Obama. “I don’t know him very well. He was on for a short while on ‘The Apprentice’ years ago. He seemed like a very nice person” commented the red tie advocate. Also pardoned were former N.Y. Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik who pleaded guilty in 2009 to felony tax fraud, former San Francisco 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo Jr. who was convicted in a gambling fraud scandal and Michael Milken who was convicted of racketeering and security fraud.  Certainly a motley group for which there may be future avails in the current administration.

As we all saw, the other candidates did quite a job on Michael Bloomberg during his initial debate appearance. Hard to imagine he can recover sufficiently enough to continue as a viable candidate. Apparently my picking him as the likely and best person to face Donald Trump seems to be off the mark. Considering my prediction success rate usually resides in the basement I should have declined comment.

Former Fox News analyst Bill O’Reilly has made a, thankfully, rare twitter appearance with reflections of the latest Democratic debate. He said Bloomberg “looked weak”, Warren was “desperate”, Biden “was babbling” and referred to Sanders’ “bulging eyes”.  O’Reilly, you may recall, is the one who forked over $32 million to a Fox News staffer for alleged sexual harassment allegations. Hey, Bill, you made your one public appearance, now do the Punxatawney Phil thing and disappear.








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