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Tweets & Blame


The White House has announced that Texas Rep. John Radcliffe will be the new Director of National Intelligence. I wonder if anyone nominated for that title must possess a certain level I.Q.

Seems it’s not only much safer but more lucrative  inside the announcer’s booth than on the field as an NFL player.  Former Texas quarterback Tony Romo just signed a bloated contract with CBS for $17 million a year for a total of 20 games.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been instructed by the White House not to speak to the press about the coronavirus without first clearing it with officials of the administration.  Instead, Veep Pence will be in control of the information regarding the escalating situation. Meantime, the presidential lap dog’s apparent priority turned out to be attending a Friday fundraiser in Florida where the tab was $25,000 a person.

 Previously the blush faced one said of the virus, “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear” Now considering the Pence control of coronavirus information and the Trump quote, don’t we all feel a lot better? 

The nearly constant Tom Brady babble “is he going or staying” has begun to bug me.  One way or another, get it done. Keep or burn your #12 jerseys. Life will go on.

Doubtless, the Trump reaction and policy toward the coronavirus will be a major factor in the 2020 results. Look for added attention to and concern for the world wide epidemic from the Oval Office. Keep in mind there’s nothing more important to politicos than the word “re-election”.

Meghan Markle may be seen on the big screen soon. Word has it that she’s seeking a return to the flicks with a role in a superhero film. She’s already completed a Disney voice over. Perhaps Prince harry will land a tv talker of his own. Could add interest to the current otherwise dreary prime time flat screen fare.

March 1st was the 88th year since the 20 month old son of hero-aviator Charles Lindberg was kidnapped for which a $50,000 ransom was demanded. The child’s body was found some two months later. Meantime, Congress passed the Federal Kidnapping Act, called “The Lindberg Law” which made transporting a kidnapped victim a federal crime. Bruno Hauptmann was ultimately determined to be the culprit and was executed 20 months later.



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