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Sadly, we’ve all heard of the passing of the unequalled, widely respected and admired Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Her reputation and accomplishments are those of a unique citizen and superb human being who shall forever maintain the admiration of all who knew her personally, professionally or through her accomplishments. A true example of a great American.

Yet another false statement from the White House resident regarding the virus. “It doesn’t really affect anyone below the age of 18”. In truth more than 400,000 have been infected. We’ve got to wonder who besides the MAGA hat crowd buys this sort of baloney.

Speaking of the “inspiration” for the MAGA hat, he endorsed violence against journalists during a Pennsylvania campaign rally this week making fun of a reporter injured during racial injustice demonstrations calling it “a beautiful sight”. The lies and crudeness that continues to flow from the current Oval Office has set a sorry record for that formerly respected location.

Seems the ever red tied chief exec made his way to the Supreme Court building this week and paid his respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg while meantime ignoring her “Most fervent wish that she not be replaced .until a new president is installed”. Trump has made it clear he will not honor that wish as he plunges ahead seeking another conservative Court member. Many of the mourners shouted “vote him out” and “honor her wish”.

Changes for the better: Uncle Ben’s rice products now bear the label of “Ben’s Original”, the latest food product to toss a formerly racist imagery. Mars also bagged the image of the white haired black man that was shown on its food boxes Quaker Oats in the meantime has removed the Aunt Jemima image from syrup and pancake packages as the maker of Eskimo Pie ice cream bars announced it would change the “derogatory brand name”. The maker of Cream of Wheat is also reviewing the image of a black chef that’s used on its boxes. .

As so many of us ask these days, “Why is Trump forever insulting or condemning someone or something”?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she thinks Joe Biden should not take part in any debates with Donald Trump. She reasons, “Why bother? Trump doesn’t tell the truth”.

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