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Unbelievable this should come from a resident of the Oval office: ““I feel so powerful,” Trump said. “I’ll walk into that audience, I’ll walk in there. I’ll kiss everyone in that audience. I’ll kiss the guys and the beautiful women, and every mouth, I’ll give you a big fat kiss.”  Unreal

When have you, as me, been unable to come up with your phone number when asked?  I usually try to cover my embarrassment by saying something such as “I know it as well as my name, Beaufort Fudwunk”.

Trump’s latest Supreme Court nominee has proven thus far, using an athletic team name, to not be an Angel but rather a Dodger by refusing to answer several questions including the one from Senator Kamala Harris that if she believes in climate change. Amy Coney Barret failed neither an affirmative nor negative reply. At that point and others she appeared more political than judicial.

Rudy Giuliani continues to cover himself in something far less than glory. Recently, he answered an interviewer’s question in a deriding oriental accent. Class, yup, you’re all class, Rudy.

Pete Souza was the chief White House photographer for both President Barack Obama and President Ronald Reagan. He knows phony when he sees it and that he did with a pair of pictures showing the Oval Officer supposedly working while at Walter Reed Hospital. The first displays Trump signing a blank piece of paper while in the second we see him 10 minutes later in a different outfit..

More alleged examples of Donald Trump’s early racist, misogynist and anti-Semitic behavior in excerpts from an upcoming tell-all book about her time working for him. Barbara Res, who was vice president in charge of construction at the Trump family company, recounts her former boss’s comments about Black people, women and Jews in passages from “Tower of Lies: What My 18 Years of Working With Donald Trump Reveals About Him” There may have to be special public library sections devoted to the collections of such numerous volumes.

Congrats to NBC’s Savannah Guthrie who was all in the Trump town meeting than Chris Wallace wasn’t in the initial Biden-Trump first debate.


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