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The Rails


These recent Trump quotes makes us wonder if he and the rails haven’t entered into a permanent divorce after this pair of recent quotes:  “I think I’m running angry. I’m running happy and I’m running very content ’cause I’ve done a great job.” And referring to the much respected and knowledgeable Dr. Fauci “the guy’s an idiot and a disaster”.

Another quote, this from Rick Wilson who for years worked for Rudy Giuliani. A former glowing admirer, he now states, “The worst possible Greek tragedy doesn't encompass the Fall of Rudy from calamity to clown show to complete moral and physical collapse”.

The poor saps who allow themselves to wear those MAGA caps and, now, masks just so they can be seen behind Trump at his rallies apparently have little pride. But, who knows, maybe these foils enjoy their roles in the orange faced one’s fantasies.

Yet another quote, this from Barack Obama referring to Trump’s words and actions, “They embolden other people to be cruel, and divisive and racist. And it frays the fabric of our society. And it affects how our children see things. And it affects the ways that our families get along. It affects how the world looks at America”.

Despite the shutting off of the opposing candidate’s microphone while his opponent is stating an opinion or policy what do you bet Trump will find a way to focus attention on himself  I said prior to the final debate. Turned out just to be the case.

CNN’s fact-checking reporter Daniel Dale on Thursday labeled Donald Trump’s performance as” a bombardment of dishonesty” during the final presidential debate with Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Trump was “better behaved tonight, but he lied more,” Dale stated. The phony haired one probably attracted a few more supporters who had previously been undecided but cast their sorry lot with him feeling perhaps he was more “presidential”.. Puleeze !..All those navy suits of his must come equipped with fire proof pants. By the way, many noted Trump’s frequent use of his pal, Fox News’ Sean Hannity phrases. Good grief !

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