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Have Ya' Heard?


Seems a fair amount of this space recently has been devoted to those famous who have passed. An additional regretful but admiring tribute must be noted here regarding the wonderful Regis Philbin. Certainly there was good reason for his holding the record for the most time in front of a tv camera. Natural, charming, entertaining and, yes, genuine.. “Rege” drew myself and millions to whatever space he occupied on the tube. He guested on my radio show in a memorable segment that was totally delightful and real. Regis was one of a kind, an original. He’ll surely be missed but forever fondly remembered.

Now the case of a person showing up wearing a face mask. Good thing, you say, but not in this case of a woman’s mask displaying a Nazi Swastika. She claimed not to be a Nazi but was ”just making a political statement”. Yup, another incident, another moron.

Common sense is an endangered element these days. Take upwards of 40 people becoming infected with the coronavirus after attending an Alabama church rally. Pastor Daryl Ross of the Missionary Baptist Church said “just about the whole church has got it”. Little wonder, as mandatory distancing and mask wearing were not required. Brilliant !

It will come as no surprise that the Major League Baseball abbreviated season could be cancelled. A fair amount of players have contracted covid-19. The prospect of shared locker rooms and airplane travel does not bode well for the shortened schedule.

Over the past couple of days, The West Winger has praised a group of Tea Party Patriots who claim controversial anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a coronavirus “cure” and that masks are unnecessary. Dr. Anthony Fauci, meantime, has reiterated that the “cumulative scientific data” has shown that hydroxychloroquine has no efficacy in treating COVID-19”.

Bye the bye, a rumored Trump favorite is Dr. Stella Immanuel who was sued for malpractice in Louisiana following the death of a woman in her care last year. Immanuel has claimed with no evidence that she has cured “hundreds of COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine and asserts masks do not slow the spread of the virus. She has formerly stated that demons having sex with sleeping women are the cause of cysts and endometriosis. Sounds like she’s a perfect fit for an association with the current administration.


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