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Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite is accused of sexual abuse against young girls aiding her former boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein., Nonetheless, The Oval Officer says in a recent interview that he “wishes her well”. Are his consistent “out to lunch” comments part of an attention getting plan or is he just plain “unhinged and uninformed”?  Stay tuned.

Hey, gang, here’s another entry for the Trump Flubs Hall of Shame.  During a signing ceremony for the Great American Outdoors Act, he tried to praise the beauty of one of our national parks - “When young Americans experience the breathtaking beauty of the Grand Canyon,” he said, reading from a prepared statement. “When their eyes widen in amazement as Old Faithful bursts into the sky. When they gaze upon Yo-Semite’s towering sequoias”. How pathetic is that!

The funny and nice person reputation of daytime tv talker Ellen DeGeneres is taking a hard jolt. Reports of bullying, sexual misconduct and racism by the host are being circulated and perhaps placing the Ellen DeGeneres Show on the chopping block. Just maybe she might practice her own closing show thought, “Be kind to one another”. By the way, late night host James Corden is rumored to be in line as her replacement.

Feature story in a N.Y. daily: “Chelsea Handler poses nude with ping pong paddles”.  Who cares!!

As the brief but potent tropical storm zapped through New England, we weren’t disappointed. There were several instances of tv reporters extolling, “As you can see behind me”.

Allan Lichtman is a history professor whose “13 keys” system has correctly predicted the presidential elections since 1984. Those keys now show Biden to be the winner in November.

Surprise. surprise... as The Oval Officer plans to deliver his nomination speech from the White House his Washington hotel has jacked its room rates by more than 60%. A one night single room can run from $795 to $2070.  Answering the title of a Dionne Warwick hit song, yup, what it’s all about, Alfie, is forever the money with Trump.

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