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It took little time for The Knight of Negativity to raise another birth conspiracy theory, this time regarding Senator Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential running mate of Joe Biden. Yup, here we go again, another foolish foray such as the one Trump clung to regarding the U.S. citizenship of President Barack Obama.  As CNN’s Don Lemon said, “A white man questioning a Black woman’s birthplace in America in 2020. No other words but disgusting, racist. And purposely so”.

Can’t seem to establish any normal enthusiasm for the 60 game Major League Baseball season. Part of it must be the empty ball parks but the lion’s share rests with the Red Sox who are found at the bottom of the American League East. Some of the current roster players are unfamiliar plus Boston’s pitching for the most part has been horrendous. Perhaps the only plus is the fact that the lesser amount of games will see a 2020 season conclusion sooner rather than later.

 A Barack Obama quote worth noting following the Trump assault on mail in voting and the U.S. Postal service:  “Everyone depends on the USPS. Seniors for their Social Security, veterans for their prescriptions, small businesses trying to keep their doors open. They can’t be collateral damage for an administration more concerned with suppressing the vote than suppressing a virus,” Obama stated.

Remember when Trump criticized Barack for playing too much golf? Well, the present scorecard reveals the Oval Officer has played 2 ½ times as much and costs more than four times the former President’s. Seems Trump has already spent 268 days on the courses he owns during his 1,303 days in office. This past weekend trip his Bedminster course is his 23rd since taking office and increases his golf-related taxpayer tab to $142 million in travel and security expenses. Each trip to Bedminster costs taxpayers about $1.1 million while he burns $3.4 million per trip for his forays to Mar-a-Lago. There have been 30 of those. Obviously it’s a play and pay game. He plays, we pay...dearly.

This gets my vote as dumb quote of the week:  “Now it’s clear Fauci is another oily politician on an ego trip, .What a buffoon. But Fauci isn’t suffering during the lockdowns, he’s loving it. Tony Fauci is enjoying the hell out of himself...  Ahh, another “gem” from Tucker Carlson

Sunday, August 16th is a day I didn’t celebrate.Turns out it was national Roller Coaster Day. My first such ride was my last. May all who get their jollies being panicked...good luck and enjoy  Just observing some of those currently in power and the nation’s growing negative attitude is scary enough for me.



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