

Amazing, we did make it through the entire Oscar TV night. Good to know the Red Carpet pre show is as inane as always. What was with one of the interviewers, specifically the guy wearing a full length gown!  Most of us are unfamiliar with the volume of make-up artists, set designers, etc who command most of the show’s time. Certainly they deserve recognition but they do provide ample opportunity for bathroom breaks and naps. Ray Romano was bleeped for his remark concerning being in the cast of “The Irishman”. “I would just sit there and be amazed,” Romano said. “And then Pesci would come in and say, ‘Get the **** outta my chair”. Needless remark, and by the way, Ray, lose the scraggly beard. .Following Romano’s performance, it’s just possible that not “Everybody Loves Raymond”.

Glad to see Elton John and Brad Pitt were winners.  Worthwhile was the three hour wait to watch Renee’ Zelweggar take the Oscar for her splendid performance in “Judy”.

Quote of the week?  When a student asked Joe Biden why he did so badly in the Iowa caucuses, he answered, “You ever been to a caucus? When the questioner answered “Yes”, Biden said “No, you haven’t, you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier”. How’s that, again?

It’s said that there is a 50% increase in cases of traumatic brain injury as a result of that Iranian missile attack on U.S forces in January. There are some 100 cases of TBI now reported as opposed to the previous 64. We can recall the White House stating that there were “no serious injuries” sustained by our troops. So much for accuracy and truth.

Chaim Bloom, Chief of Baseball Operations for the Red Sox, has had an active few first months. He had to dismiss manager Alex Cora because of the cheating scandal, traded the team’s best and most popular player Mookie Betts plus trading one of the Sox’ best starters David Price. Bloom might now be wondering about his taking the job. 

Quote #2 of the week:  Originating in a Trump tweet: “A very bad night for Mini Mike”. Yet another attack, this one on Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Mr. Non-Accuracy was referring to the New Hampshire Democratic Primary results.  Big problem, Bloomberg wasn’t even on the ballot.

By the way, what happened to Joe Biden?


Oh Ho


What with the Red Sox peddling Mookie Betts, beer selling for $12 and box seats priced at $140 we may see somewhat less than full houses at Fenway this year. Ron Roenicke looks as though he’ll be named Sox manager. ‘Bout time they came up with someone with just a few days away from spring training. Any investigations of Alex Cora’s cheating while Boston manager would seem to reason that his bench coach, Roenicke, would have knowledge of and be a part of that situation. Then why would he be tabbed with the new managerial responsibilities? Beats me.

Seven Democratic candidates took part in this week’s debate. The one who was not present is the one I still believe has the best chance to beat Trump in the general election, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  Perhaps the reason some of Friday night’s debaters negated his candidacy was reasoning he’s using his wealth to buy the presidency. Don’t we already have a person in office who did. By the way, the New York Daily News has a new moniker for Donald Trump, The GOPfather.

As you may have noticed, I’ve expressed a certain distain for the Oscars show in the past. However, Bev and I will be watching this time around for two very good reasons, namely Renee Zelwegger and “Judy”.  She, as Judy Garland, is absolutely marvelous and despite other worthy performers in the category of Best Actress our votes enthusiastically go to Renee.  From beginning to end, she is captivating as “Judy”.

 Adding to the tragedy of Kobe Bryant, his daughter and all others killed in the recent helicopter crash the fact that the chopper was but 12 seconds from clear skies.

The awarding of The Medal of Freedom during Trump’s State Of The Union address was misplaced.  Sorry, Rush Limbaugh is no way in the same league as former winners such as Rosa Parks, George Balanchine, Frank Sinatra and Tennessee Williams.



Topping the list of TV I never watch:  The State of The Union address, “Survivor” and “The Kardashians”.

At least his wife and son have respect as they stood with hands over hearts as the national anthem was played during a party for supporters at his West Palm Beach golf resort.. Trump was seen waving his hands, pointing at people and conducting the music. By the way, this gathering cost us American taxpayers $3.4 million.

The Republican Senate can restore some credibility this week. They could possibly censure the White House resident. “Could” is the word. “Won’t” is the reality.  

I missed stowing aboard the Red Sox equipment truck as it stopped at the Pawsox’ McCoy Stadium for the final time before making its way south. Perhaps by the time it reaches Ft. Myers Boston will have named a new manager.

Passengers aboard the Diamond Princess received a longer than expected “Love Boat” excursion. A man who had been onboard came down with the coronavirus. All 3000 passengers and crew were immediately confined to the ship for at least three days. Imagine if you’d been salting away hard earned bucks in order to take your long desired cruise and it turned out to be this one!

As indicated previously, I never watch State of the Union addresses. They’re generally self- promotional, lengthy and boring. From what I’ve heard and read the latest entry was the for Trump ignoring Speaker Pelosi’s offer of a handshake and her tearing up a copy of his speech. Seems this third addition of the red tied one’s was once again fraught with lies: ”We will always protect patients with preexisting conditions ― that is a guarantee,” Trump made that false statement when he first took office and spent a great deal of 2017 working to repeal the Affordable care Act. Just one example of the evening’s litany of lies. Interesting to note that the picture making the rounds showing Veep Pence applauding his boss also includes Speaker Pelosi tearing up a copy of the Trump speech. In truth, was he actually approving her action?

The Iowa Caucus debacle did little to insure a future tourism boom. The resultant Biden slippage indicates a “times, they are a-changin’” situation in the race for nomination. Seems to me that Michael Bloomberg’s chances of filling that role are increasing.

The jury was shown nude pictures of defendant Harvey Weinstein recently, The full frontal picture might have been accompanied by a previous warning that jurors should have declined breakfast




Senate honcho Mitch McConnell will be formerly remembered as the one feckless lifetime taxpayer leach who rigged a Senate trial for an individual attempting to cheat his way to reelection. Certainly, Trump will be acquitted without testimony from even one witness despite three quarters of Americans who favor such from appropriate witnesses. It’s apparent that ”The Grand Old Party” and its leadership are focused on ruling the country, not improving it.

If you think the impeachment proceedings were brief, consider Pamela Anderson’s latest marriage-12 hours! Britney Spears and Jason Alexander are contenders at a whopping 55 hours.  

Let’s hear it for Staten Island Chuck as for the 5th straight year the New York groundhog has called for an early spring after not seeing his shadow. Meantime, it seems Punxutawney Phil concurs as the legendary and aged hog missed seeing his shadow for only the 20th time in 124 tries.

Obviously, the Oval Office occupier has little trouble finding words with which to insult his opponents, recent evidence seen during the Super Bowl halftime with softball questions being lobbed by pal and Fox’s Sean Hannity. Ah, but it’s another matter when it comes to positive messages. The quote of the week comes from his tweet regarding the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl stating “They represented the state of Kansas very well”. Problem is the team is based in Missouri.  

A picture from “The Big Game” included that of a sleeping fan. Seems he dropped off during the first half of the game. He could have been attempting to catch up on all those “zz’s” he lost while standing on one of those endless ticket lines. He’s become famous for “the world’s most expensive nap”.

A recent story surfaces based on supposed info from Liza Minelli, daughter of Judy Garland.  She related that often her mother would return home after an exhausting few days and say, “what a week, I think I’ll call Jack” who just happened to be the President of The United States. Liza said the conversation always concluded with JFK asking Judy to sing the final eight bars of “Over The Rainbow” to which she would often say, “Oh no, again? Do you really want me to do that again? Alright”. Then she would comply as “Rainbow” made its way by phone from one long-time friend in Hollywood to another in the White House.   




Seems the White House has tossed a formal threat at John Bolton warning him against publishing his forthcoming book which alleges Trump misused the powers of his office. The misconduct allegations are included in Bolton’s “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir”. Another day, another threat from an administration that continues to sound more and more akin to that of a dictatorship.

No witnesses and a quick acquittal in the Trump Impeachment Trial. Surprise, surprise.  Swing voter and administration boot licker Sen. Lamer Alexander cast the deciding vote of opposition saying that he believed there was “no need for more evidence that proves something that’s already been proven”. Congrats to all the similar leaning politicos who took the obvious path that they believe protects their leader, regardless of the evidence and also might assure their own return to office. Yes, yet another case of serving themselves and not their constituents. By the way, how can there be a “trial” without witnesses?  Jimmy Kimmel posted a picture of all 54 Republican senators, 16 were wearing red ties.  Maybe we'll get to see some of them even adopting blond hair and orange faces

Trump impeachment defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz says, “Any action taken by this president to help his re-election is, by definition, in the public interest”. This is the same Dershowitz who was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein’s and was also on his legal defense team. Two of Epstein’s victims say that he told them to have sex with Dershowittz who does admit to receiving a massage at an Epstein mansion in his underwear but denies the sex claims.

Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein who possesses more credibility than the entire Republican Senate has reflected on that body’s decision for a Trump acquittal. “They have covered up what the president of the United States has done in his grievous action when they had the ability to find out more and reach a bipartisan, as it were, decision if we could hear from the witnesses. This is a cover up, plain and simple. And there has been no attempt throughout this proceeding by the Republicans in this Senate of the United States, the so-called world’s greatest deliberative body, which we can now see how deliberative it is, that we have seen now a really shameful episode in our history that is going to read down for many, many years”.

While on the topic of sleaze, Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Gianulli have placed their huge Bel Air estate on the market for a price tag in excess of $26 million. They say the decision has “nothing to do” with the college admission scandal and their upcoming trial. They bought the posh pad for $13.9 million in 2015. They’ve used it as collateral for the $2 million bail for the fraud charges they face. The pair have been accused of paying a $500,000 bribe to falsely submit their two daughters as rowing recruits to the University of Southern California.  They face possible 20 year jail sentences if convicted. Their attempts at securing tainted admissions for their offspring doubtless have impaired Loughlin’s career earning power which may be a large part of the reason for their peddling “the farm”.