
Confined to your residence because of the virus? Could be worse..your neighbor could play the drums.

Tom Brady is labeled GOAT, Greatest Of All Time, because of his talent, accomplishments and minimal mistakes on the field. His decision to leave the Patriots was a hug miscue as so many of us think, even though now or perhaps ever will know what supported his verdict. Certainly, the praise worthy statement Coach Bill issued gave no indication that his and Brady’s relationship was a rocky one.

Some small college spring breakers are proving once again how foolhardy they can be by ignoring the advice to practice social distancing during the corona virus pandemic by partying in close quarters with the chance of contacting and spreading the disease to others. About 250 bikini clad bozos have tossed caution aside and joined a Nassau Cruise. Imagine the eventual possible infectious spreading they can create. The parents must be proud!

Regarding the old saying ,” I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole”, its rebirth has  become relevant again.

Elisha Nochomovitz, a name to remember. He just completed a marathon in 6:48, perhaps not a record breaker except for the fact that he ran it on his 7 meter balcony! A nationwide French order prevented him from leaving his apartment during the coronavirus crackdown.

‘Poking at you” is how MSNBC’s Chuck Scarborough referred to the Oval Officer pointing blame regarding the coronavirus as the ‘China Virus’. Scarborough acknowledged Trump’s term is “offensive” but warned “liberals and progressives and people in the media” that the president was poking at you. He wants you to become enraged so you will not talk instead about tests, so you’ll talk about that instead of talking about ventilators “It’s called a rabbit trail,” he added. “Yes, it is offensive but, again, we can talk about this in November when the election is in full force”. Meantime, add that to latest Duke of Distractions lengthy insult list.

Hard to imagine that as of this writing Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, Idaho and Wyoming had not yet enforced statewide measures in response to the public health crisis. No policy on school closures, zero limits on large crowds and no word on bar and restaurant operations. Guess they think the rest of the 41 are rubber stampers, gutless geeks, dorks and nerds.




Apparently the quickly expanding global coronavirus pandemic that has already killed dozens and infected at least 1,200 within the United States has prompted Donald Trump to come up with another odd Oval Office speech Wednesday in which he focused on banning European travel and failing to mention  nary a word about available nationwide testing, shunting aside many dire aspects of the public health crisis. Could he possibly be continuing to focus on what might enhance his chances of winning reelection instead of addressing the severe health crisis before us? Two officials in the U.S. State Department said  that foreign service officers and diplomats were unprepared for the Trump announcement.. 

“It is just total chaos,” said one official currently abroad, adding that they did not know if they would have to return to the U.S. immediately or if they would need be quarantined for two weeks upon arriving. Diplomats and other U.S. staff overseas did not know if they’d be able to even visit their families back in the States.  This administration which seems to specialize in confusion has done it again.

Major League Baseball has canceled its Spring Training and opening of the 2020 season because of the coronavirus. Seems those who run “march Madness” are “looking at” contingency plans. Since beginning this paragraph wiser heads have prevailed  “Madness” has been given the boot or very costly sneaker .Wisely, Broadway has closed down theaters for four to six weeks Disney World and Disneyland are closed Along With Disneyland Paris, and Disney Cruise Lines..

Another casualty, albeit temporary, is Kentucky Fried Chicken’s “finger lickin’ good’.



Ah So!


Now that Elizabeth Warren has appropriately removed herself from the Democratic roster of contenders the focus is on the Biden-Sanders match up. We’ll have to see how that plays out.  Sanders is already on a Biden attack  By the way, does he have a tie in his wardrobe?

Didja’ hear that the White House has suggested that it would be ok if people with the coronavirus went back to work. Trump made such a statement to his pally, Fox News’ Sean Hannity earlier this week..  Totally unbelievable!

A big week for Trump comments, this one making quote of the week. “Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas” Warren who was going nowhere except into Mini Mike’s head (reference to Mike Bloomberg) just dropped out of the Democratic primary ..three days too late”. A undeniable fact, Donald trump can never be accused of showing too much class.

Now that we’ve entered the first week of the third month I imagine the endless references to “March Madness’ will be heard.  As I repeat every year at this time, I can’t wait until it ends which unfortunately sees it linger into the first days of April.

Mookie Betts gone...David Price gone.  Now ace Chris Sale may be lost to the team because of Tommy John surgery.  That loss would include this season and possibly some of the next. Not an encouraging start to this year’s campaign.

My apologies for this rather brief edition.  Seems the invasion of a late winter cold has prevented me from “dazzling” you with more thought provoking material.  By the way, don’t get too close to your display screen!



Tweets & Blame


The White House has announced that Texas Rep. John Radcliffe will be the new Director of National Intelligence. I wonder if anyone nominated for that title must possess a certain level I.Q.

Seems it’s not only much safer but more lucrative  inside the announcer’s booth than on the field as an NFL player.  Former Texas quarterback Tony Romo just signed a bloated contract with CBS for $17 million a year for a total of 20 games.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been instructed by the White House not to speak to the press about the coronavirus without first clearing it with officials of the administration.  Instead, Veep Pence will be in control of the information regarding the escalating situation. Meantime, the presidential lap dog’s apparent priority turned out to be attending a Friday fundraiser in Florida where the tab was $25,000 a person.

 Previously the blush faced one said of the virus, “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear” Now considering the Pence control of coronavirus information and the Trump quote, don’t we all feel a lot better? 

The nearly constant Tom Brady babble “is he going or staying” has begun to bug me.  One way or another, get it done. Keep or burn your #12 jerseys. Life will go on.

Doubtless, the Trump reaction and policy toward the coronavirus will be a major factor in the 2020 results. Look for added attention to and concern for the world wide epidemic from the Oval Office. Keep in mind there’s nothing more important to politicos than the word “re-election”.

Meghan Markle may be seen on the big screen soon. Word has it that she’s seeking a return to the flicks with a role in a superhero film. She’s already completed a Disney voice over. Perhaps Prince harry will land a tv talker of his own. Could add interest to the current otherwise dreary prime time flat screen fare.

March 1st was the 88th year since the 20 month old son of hero-aviator Charles Lindberg was kidnapped for which a $50,000 ransom was demanded. The child’s body was found some two months later. Meantime, Congress passed the Federal Kidnapping Act, called “The Lindberg Law” which made transporting a kidnapped victim a federal crime. Bruno Hauptmann was ultimately determined to be the culprit and was executed 20 months later.




Well Well

Jimmy Kimmel recently asked random people on the street to name countries on a world map.  The results were surprising and discouraging as most failed at obvious choices.  Maybe they should do some research on those cell phones which seem to be permanently attached to their hands. 

Not heartening news for Red Sox fans, Chis Sale will begin the season on the injured reserve list He’s a valuable but brittle commodity. 

Quote of the week from candidate Tom Steyer: “This is a huge deal and he’s turning it over to Mike Pence? I can’t be more scared. This is a much bigger deal than I think people in the United States understand in terms of how many people are going to be infected and how much economic impact this is going to have. Trump is incompetent”. 

A group honoring the Confederacy, The Sons of Confederate Veterans, who fought the Civil War expressly to keep Black Citizens as slaves, held its annual conference February 29th, the final day of Black History Month. It took place at Hilton’s Embassy Suites at the Raleigh-Durham Airport. Hope you boys had your sheets recently washed.

One more note on Donald Trump’s unfortunate awarding of The Presidential Medal Of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh. He is the sole recipient to compare black athletes to thugs, made fun of a celebrity with Parkinson’s disease and said “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson”. Surely he doesn’t deserve to be included on a list of former Medal of Freedom awardees such as Mother Theresa, Rosa Parks, Pope John Paul II, Martin Luther King Jr. and former U.S. Presidents.

Considered for “quote of the week” was this one from Mick Mulvaney who opines. ”The reason you’re seeing so much attention  to it (the coronavirus) is that they think this is what is going to bring down the president. That’s what this is all about”. Mulvaney is another of the “acting” administration staff. By the way “acting” translates to “making believe” or “appearing to be”. 

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