
How's That?


With all the time spent watching TV why doesn’t the Oval Officer allow a few minutes to orange color his ears, beneath his eyes and his eye lids so they’ll match his “Sunkist” face?

One of the longer Trump faithful, Kellyanne Conway has resigned from her relatively long term advisory White House position. She offers family as the reason stating “less drama, more mama”. She just may want to escape a possible loss of job after the November election.

Well, having read the reports of the opening night of the Republican get together,  I see where the speakers held to downer references of a Biden presidency. The event had been forecast as being “very positive and optimistic” but fell woefully short.  Activist Charlie Kirk warned of “a vengeful mob that wishes to destroy our way of life”. Rep. Matt Gaetz opined, “no refuge for freedom should we fail” to reelect Trump in November” .Rebecca Friedrichs fired at unions accusing them of “subverting our Republic” by undermining our “educational excellence, morality, law and order” “In Joe Biden’s America, we’d be lucky if we could see any doctor,” mouthed Natalie Harp, Andrew Pollack of Florida, said “the safety of your kids depends on whether Trump is reelected”.  Yada Yada Yada...on it went.  At least, these naysayers continued the tradition of negativity which has characterized the past three plus years of Trump’s occupancy of the Oval Office. Yet to come a rare appearance from administration, foot in the mouth lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Meantime, I took in the much more enjoyable PBS viewing of Sweden’s second only to Volvo as their most popular 70’s export, the music and performances of ABBA. Their music always made us feel that “You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life”.

It’s tough not to hear about the RNC nightly doings while attempting to ignore them. Tuesday’s speaking lineup almost seemed to boast about the administration’s three plus years’ of corruption. Trump’s divesting of his organization in light of the presidency never happened plus several examples of using federal resources to further advance his reelection campaign are just a few of the bold missteps he and his administration have taken. Let’s face it, gang, the “swamp never was drained”. Sonny Eric was one of the night’s podium babblers, Yup, the same Eric who the New York State Attorney General’s office is seeking a deposition into allegations of bank and loan fraud related to the Trump Organization. This offspring is rumored to be invoking his 5th amendment rights. Even dear old Dad has previously stated, “If you’re innocent, why invoke the Fifth?”







Tucker Carlson, Fox’s mouth that bores, called Michele Obama’s Democratic Convention speech “a total and complete crock”. As he utters those words he really needs to check his mirror to see the very definition of “crock”. Perhaps in his case that word should be partnered with “tedious”.

And speaking of ”tedious” The Sultan of Scorn continues his storm of threats as he says he plans to send law enforcement to the country’s polling places to “protect” against his unfounded claims that voter fraud will be rampant during the November election. Oh, by the way, the Oval Officer does not have the authority to do so. Another day, another baseless threat. Ho hum.

By the by, the Orange Faced One has continued to attack the American voting system by stating that we may “never know” the results of the November election because of mail-in ballots which he falsely claims would be “a tremendous embarrassment to our country”. Seems Trump voted by mail in last week’s Florida’s primary!

Quote of the week:  “He has no principles. You can’t trust him”. So says Mary Trump Barry, his nibs sister.

Now we’re on the brink of the Republican Convention which should see four days of falsehoods, racism and conspiracy accusations from the White House resident and his MAGA  hat wearing and misguided faithful. And, oh yes, the flaxen haired one plans on speaking all four nights, a nightmre come true.  Think I’ll search out some "Golden Girls" re-runs.

The CEO of the National Enquirer, David Pecker, recently of American Media, is calling it a day. Heading the Enquirer for years, Pecker hid several embarrassing stories about Donald Trump and other famous folk by buying the rights and never publishing them. The Associated Press claimed that he had a safe in the rag’s office containing many of the hidden stories. Do we think his name just might be more than appropriate to lead a type of publication such as The Enquirer?

Did you see where Lori Loughlin was sentenced to a pair of months in the slammer for paying big bucks to get her two daughters into a leading college on false qualifications?  Her hubby will spend five months in an orange suit. Why the different sentences, weren’t they co-conspirators?

News 6


Tucker Carlson, Fox’s mouth that bores,  called Michele Obama’s Democratic Convention speech “a total and complete crock”. As he utters those words he really needs to look in the mirror to see the very definition of “crock”. Perhaps in his case that word should be partnered with “tedious”.

And speaking of ”tedious” The Sultan of Scorn continues his storm of threats as he says he plans to send law enforcement to the country’s polling places to “protect” against his unfounded claims that voter fraud will be rampant during the November election. Oh, by the way, the Oval Officer does not have the authority to do so. Another day, another baseless threat. .Ho hum.

By the by, the Orange Faced One has continued to attack the American voting system by stating that we may “never know” the results of the November election because of mail in ballots which he falsely claims would be “a tremendous embarrassment to our country”. Seems Trump voted by mail in last week’s Florida’s primary!

Quote of the week:  “He has no principles. You can’t trust him”. So says Mary Trump Barry,  his nibs sister.

.Now we’re on the brink of the Republican Convention which should see four days of falsehoods, racism and conspiracy accusations from the White House resident and his MAGA  hat wearing and misguided faithful. Both my interest and viewing will be sparse. Think I’ll find “Everybody Loves Raymond” re-runs more interesting.

The CEO of the National Enquirer, David Pecker, now of American Media, is calling it a day. Heading the Enquirer for years, Pecker hid several embarrassing stories about Donald Trump and other famous folk by buying the rights and never publishing them. The Associated Press claimed that he had a safe in the rag’s office containing many of the hidden stories. Do we think his name just might be more than appropriate to lead a type of publication such as The Enquirer?

Did you see where Lori Loughlin was sentenced to a pair of months in the slammer for paying big bucks to get her pair of daughters into a leading college on false qualifications?  Her hubby will spend five months in an orange suit. Why the different sentences, weren’t they co-conspirators?





It took little time for The Knight of Negativity to raise another birth conspiracy theory, this time regarding Senator Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential running mate of Joe Biden. Yup, here we go again, another foolish foray such as the one Trump clung to regarding the U.S. citizenship of President Barack Obama.  As CNN’s Don Lemon said, “A white man questioning a Black woman’s birthplace in America in 2020. No other words but disgusting, racist. And purposely so”.

Can’t seem to establish any normal enthusiasm for the 60 game Major League Baseball season. Part of it must be the empty ball parks but the lion’s share rests with the Red Sox who are found at the bottom of the American League East. Some of the current roster players are unfamiliar plus Boston’s pitching for the most part has been horrendous. Perhaps the only plus is the fact that the lesser amount of games will see a 2020 season conclusion sooner rather than later.

 A Barack Obama quote worth noting following the Trump assault on mail in voting and the U.S. Postal service:  “Everyone depends on the USPS. Seniors for their Social Security, veterans for their prescriptions, small businesses trying to keep their doors open. They can’t be collateral damage for an administration more concerned with suppressing the vote than suppressing a virus,” Obama stated.

Remember when Trump criticized Barack for playing too much golf? Well, the present scorecard reveals the Oval Officer has played 2 ½ times as much and costs more than four times the former President’s. Seems Trump has already spent 268 days on the courses he owns during his 1,303 days in office. This past weekend trip his Bedminster course is his 23rd since taking office and increases his golf-related taxpayer tab to $142 million in travel and security expenses. Each trip to Bedminster costs taxpayers about $1.1 million while he burns $3.4 million per trip for his forays to Mar-a-Lago. There have been 30 of those. Obviously it’s a play and pay game. He plays, we pay...dearly.

This gets my vote as dumb quote of the week:  “Now it’s clear Fauci is another oily politician on an ego trip, .What a buffoon. But Fauci isn’t suffering during the lockdowns, he’s loving it. Tony Fauci is enjoying the hell out of himself...  Ahh, another “gem” from Tucker Carlson

Sunday, August 16th is a day I didn’t celebrate.Turns out it was national Roller Coaster Day. My first such ride was my last. May all who get their jollies being panicked...good luck and enjoy  Just observing some of those currently in power and the nation’s growing negative attitude is scary enough for me.






Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite is accused of sexual abuse against young girls aiding her former boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein., Nonetheless, The Oval Officer says in a recent interview that he “wishes her well”. Are his consistent “out to lunch” comments part of an attention getting plan or is he just plain “unhinged and uninformed”?  Stay tuned.

Hey, gang, here’s another entry for the Trump Flubs Hall of Shame.  During a signing ceremony for the Great American Outdoors Act, he tried to praise the beauty of one of our national parks - “When young Americans experience the breathtaking beauty of the Grand Canyon,” he said, reading from a prepared statement. “When their eyes widen in amazement as Old Faithful bursts into the sky. When they gaze upon Yo-Semite’s towering sequoias”. How pathetic is that!

The funny and nice person reputation of daytime tv talker Ellen DeGeneres is taking a hard jolt. Reports of bullying, sexual misconduct and racism by the host are being circulated and perhaps placing the Ellen DeGeneres Show on the chopping block. Just maybe she might practice her own closing show thought, “Be kind to one another”. By the way, late night host James Corden is rumored to be in line as her replacement.

Feature story in a N.Y. daily: “Chelsea Handler poses nude with ping pong paddles”.  Who cares!!

As the brief but potent tropical storm zapped through New England, we weren’t disappointed. There were several instances of tv reporters extolling, “As you can see behind me”.

Allan Lichtman is a history professor whose “13 keys” system has correctly predicted the presidential elections since 1984. Those keys now show Biden to be the winner in November.

Surprise. surprise... as The Oval Officer plans to deliver his nomination speech from the White House his Washington hotel has jacked its room rates by more than 60%. A one night single room can run from $795 to $2070.  Answering the title of a Dionne Warwick hit song, yup, what it’s all about, Alfie, is forever the money with Trump.


Have Ya' Heard?


Seems a fair amount of this space recently has been devoted to those famous who have passed. An additional regretful but admiring tribute must be noted here regarding the wonderful Regis Philbin. Certainly there was good reason for his holding the record for the most time in front of a tv camera. Natural, charming, entertaining and, yes, genuine.. “Rege” drew myself and millions to whatever space he occupied on the tube. He guested on my radio show in a memorable segment that was totally delightful and real. Regis was one of a kind, an original. He’ll surely be missed but forever fondly remembered.

Now the case of a person showing up wearing a face mask. Good thing, you say, but not in this case of a woman’s mask displaying a Nazi Swastika. She claimed not to be a Nazi but was ”just making a political statement”. Yup, another incident, another moron.

Common sense is an endangered element these days. Take upwards of 40 people becoming infected with the coronavirus after attending an Alabama church rally. Pastor Daryl Ross of the Missionary Baptist Church said “just about the whole church has got it”. Little wonder, as mandatory distancing and mask wearing were not required. Brilliant !

It will come as no surprise that the Major League Baseball abbreviated season could be cancelled. A fair amount of players have contracted covid-19. The prospect of shared locker rooms and airplane travel does not bode well for the shortened schedule.

Over the past couple of days, The West Winger has praised a group of Tea Party Patriots who claim controversial anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a coronavirus “cure” and that masks are unnecessary. Dr. Anthony Fauci, meantime, has reiterated that the “cumulative scientific data” has shown that hydroxychloroquine has no efficacy in treating COVID-19”.

Bye the bye, a rumored Trump favorite is Dr. Stella Immanuel who was sued for malpractice in Louisiana following the death of a woman in her care last year. Immanuel has claimed with no evidence that she has cured “hundreds of COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine and asserts masks do not slow the spread of the virus. She has formerly stated that demons having sex with sleeping women are the cause of cysts and endometriosis. Sounds like she’s a perfect fit for an association with the current administration.
